We are dedicated PURE and EXCLUSIVELY to provide a space dedicated to the Third Sex. That is why all visits to our website are intended to be contacted directly, without intermediaries, with only transvestite, shemales, trans girls and crossdressers models.
The models that publish their ads in Sexo3 are TOTALLY INDEPENDENT and have personal pages made from the data they upload to the website.
We have different positions to publish your profile within the site, prominent locations, banners, different sizes of featured images, plans with greater exposure, etc. We always have options available to offer you, just contact us and we will tell you in detail which plan best suits your needs.
Sexo3 "The site of the third sex" only publishes independent models.
All models advertised in Sexo3 are 100% independent, offer their contact information in their ads personally, voluntarily and for the purposes agreed upon by them, without being physically, morally or psychologically obliged to carry out activities that are illegal or contrary to their will or to advertise themselves in Sexo3, under a commitment, threat or inducement by us or by people alien to Us.
We have committed ourselves against trafficking in persons. Part of that commitment is NOT to announce people who are NOT independent, submitted or forced to carry out illicit activities or against their will.
If, like our advertisers, you offer Escort services in Argentina and someone forces you to carry out activities against your will and wish to file a complaint, Sexo3 has drawn up an action plan to give legal support to those Escorts who, like you, are victims of abuse and are subjected to some illegal activity against their will.
If you are a victim of trafficking, DENOUNCE! we advise you!
Sexo3 will not file a complaint for you. What we can do is give you the details you need to understand how you can use the law to your please, and, at the time of filing a complaint, signal adequately to those who abuse you.
Do not let more time pass. Contact us and we will give you the advice you need to take the reins of your life, you stay away from those who exploit you and make you feel the full weight of the law within a well-structured legal framework.